Basic Tools List (c) 2020


Estimating tools

● Variety of Sizes of Measuring Tapes
At least one 15’ & one or more 25’ to 35’ & a flexible 100’ tape, if needed
● Pencil & Eraser (Colored pencils optional)
● Calculator or Spreadsheet
● Straight-Edge Ruler, Compass
● Grid Paper or Site Design Form*
● Paper (or Estimate Form**)


Job tools & equipment
power equipment

● Sod cutter or other
● Power brush
● Vibratory Plate Compactor or Water-filled Landscape (Sod) Roller
● Leaf Blower


Hand tools

● Wheelbarrow
● Drop Spreader
● Flathead shovel
● Spade
● Hand (Garden) Pick
● Hand Trowel
● Hammer
● ¼ Notch Trowel (only for us with seam adhesive methods)
● Hand Tamper, Block & Mallet
● 36(+) inch Landscape Rake with Flat Edge
● Hard Garden Rake
● 18 inch Infill (Grooming) Rake
● Hard Garden Rake
● 18 inch Infill (Grooming) Rake
● Shop Broom with Synthetic Bristles
● Quick-Change Utility Knife & Blades
● Construction-Grade Scissors


Miscellaneous tools

● Various-Sized Measuring Tapes
● Snap-Line & Chalk
● Marking Paint or Chalk (optional)
● Garden Hose
● Hose Nozzle With Sprinkler Setting
● Carpet Caddy (for moving heavy rolls of artificial grass easily)


General grooming tools, equipment & supplies

● Grooming (Infill) Rake (shag carpet rake)
● Garden Pressure Sprayer
● Enzyme Deodorizer (crystal or liquid)
● Leaf Blower
● Plastic Leaf Rake
● Shop Broom with Synthetic Bristles
● Apple Cider Vinegar for Weeds, Sap, Decomposed Fruit, Germs
● Garden Hose
● Hose Nozzle With Sprinkler Setting
● Trash Bags to Dispose of Waste


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